
Ipswich & District Tennis League


Primary Logo

Please right click links if you wish to open them in a different window or tab.

click links below  for printable result sheets for emailing results, please send in quickly

A4 2 to page Summer Results sheet New LEAGUE Logo

Winter postcard new SW logo

Tennis Club Guide IDL 2020-2021  kindly compiled by Simon at Woodbridge TC

camera phoneAll match results that are emailed MUST be in the form of an image including all players names ( eg. Fred Smith, not just Fred S) & signed by both captains, effectively sending in a card without the need for a stamp (results can be on official cards but also a clear image from your club score book is acceptable but must include captain’s signatures and show the result clearly)

Please email either a photo (easily taken by smart phone) or a scanned image (please check image is readable) Printable score sheet page is available to download (see link above) 

It is important that actual written score sheets are kept by each team/club until end of each season (end Sept & end April) so they may be referred to in case of dispute.

IDTL GDPR Statement May 2018


If you see a missing result and you have a copy of the score sheet, please email it in even if you were the away team as this will help to make sure all results are recorded, thanks.

Final date for results/claims is Fri 23rd August 2024 10pm

IDL RULES 2024 last amended 2024



Final Tables will be sent to clubs & posted here once all results are in, last date for results is 20th Aug 2023. It’s been a difficult season with several rain affected matches.

IDL RULES 2023 last amended 2023

AGM will take place at Copleston Centre on Monday 17th April 2023 7.30pm

Fixture making process will be start Wed 22nd March when fixture forms will be emailed to fixture secretaries. Final date for fixtures to be returned is Wed 12th April (AGM is later than usual to avoid the school Easter holidays) Hopefully fixtures can be returned as soon as they are completed. 


Rule change trial: Players may now play up twice and still play in lower team. Reminder that players MAY NOT play in 2 matches with the same listed scheduled date.

Date extension to Sun 9th April 6pm for all Winter results due to several weekends of bad weather. 

Older information can now be found on the IDL Archive page

 Contact League Administrator: please email